So for my birthday I decided to get hair extensions. Now I am not the typical person who gets hair extensions. I am not blond, nor do I Go out of my way to look good on a daily basis. I'm more the wake up late, put a hat on, and run to work kind of girl. But i also have super fine hair, which i've been trying to grow out since I cut it that fateful day four years ago. So I decided to try them out since my sister was getting them anyways. They look awesome, but feel crazy. I'm not used to having so much hair and I'm afraid of pulling them out. They are a lot stronger than I realize, but they feel so breakable. It's strange, but hopefully i'll get used to them in a few days. But besides how crazy they feel, they are so great! I really do look so much better with longer hair. It's crazy.
P.s. Happy New Year!!! Enjoy the last hours of 2009.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holiday Movies Bank It.
So my family and I decided to go see Sherlock Holmes today. We figured it wouldn't be too busy. So we got there about a half hour before the movie started, we were so wrong. The movie theatre was totally packed. And what was even worse, they oversold our movie so we had to get a refund because there weren't any seats left. We couldn't go see a later showing because they were totally sold out for the night. It was insane. I couldn't believe it. I always used to think movies that come out around Christmas must not do too well, I was mistaken. Movies that come out around Christmas must make bank.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I Finally Bought It.
I have been working very hard the past few months so I could save enough money to buy The Canon 50D. Today was the day I finally had enough money to buy it. I didn't end up getting the lens I want, but you have to start somewhere right? But even so, it's beautiful. I love it so much. I really haven't taken many pictures lately because I didn't have access to a camera. But I've been brainstorming and now I have all these ideas. I'll finally have a chance to use some of my ideas now that I have my own camera. Vancouver is a beautiful city. There's so much that people look past and barely acknowledge. I can't wait to put some of my ideas to use.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Holiday Begins.
So I am a huge Christmas fan. I'm the person who starts playing Christmas music as soon as Thanksgiving is over. But this year, since my sister still lives in California, it just wasn't the same. So today is the start of the holidays for me. My sister flies in to Vancouver today. It's only the holidays if we're all together, otherwise it's just not the same.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Last Day at Starbucks.
Okay I'm officially done with working at Starbucks, again. I know I said I was done with Starbucks the last time I quit, but this time I mean it, I think. Well it'll be a last resort anyway. I felt so relived at the end of my shift today. No more non fat, no foam, lattes for me. Working at Starbucks can be stressful. But not in the way most people think. Most people would think that remembering all the drinks and making them at a fast pace would be the hard part. But to me that was easy. I find dealing with certain customers to be the stressful part. There are just some very unhappy people in this world. Those unhappy people tend to rub off on me and if I encounter too many, it totally ruins my night. They just kill what ever happiness I'm feeling at the time and replace it with anger and frustration. So evil.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Why Must Moving Bring Unwanted Emotions?
So because of school requirements, I now need to move back to California earlier than expected. Instead of moving back in the summer, I will be moving back in 3 weeks. At first I was stoked on the idea. But as the day draws near, all I can think about are the people I will miss here. It's crazy because while living here I kept thinking about all the people I left behind in Orange County. I guess it falls under the you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone category. I've made more friends than I had planned on making. I also got a lot more comfortable with the city and living in Vancouver than I thought I would. But working three jobs is one thing I will not miss. I love most of the people I work with at these jobs, but the hours are wearing me down. When moving the best thing to do is look at the glass half full. If it's half empty sooner or later it'll just be empty.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oh Nicholas Sparks, I love Thee.
So I've read every book Nicholas Sparks has written. Let me just say off the bat, each book is as good as the other. They are all equally full of romance, love, desire, and happiness. After reading each one of his books, I always feel just a little more assured that there is love out there. He has this way of capturing true love in it's natural form. So far four of his books have been made into movies. They are: Message In A Bottle, A Walk To Remember, The Notebook, and Nights In Rodanthe. I love each of these movies. I think my favorite movie wise is The Notebook because they both die together. In the other movies one of the two lovers dies, which is severely depressing. The books are always a little bit different than the movies, but they are still worth your time.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Moving Means Being Left Out.
Since I move so much, I try and keep in contact with as many people as possible. But by doing this I tend to get this feeling of being left out. For example a group of people are all going camping. If I still lived in California I would be going along on this adventure. But because I don't, i'm not. It's weird because I moved. I should be having all these new experiences, which I am. So why is it me whose feeling left out? This is not the first time it's happened either. It happens a lot and the only reason I can come up with is that I want more than I can chew. I am socially greedy, but i'm okay with this.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Worst Solitude.
The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
He was right about this. I guess that means i've decided.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
He was right about this. I guess that means i've decided.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Oh Rhett Butler, Why Can't You Still Give A Damn?
So Gone With The Wind was rereleased today in HD, which is awesome. But what's even better is the fact that a local movie theatre here decided to show GWTW in celebration of this. It was so awesome to see it in an actual movie theatre. I've seen GWTW so many times and I still can't accept the ending. Scarlet finally realizes that she's in love with Rhett, but he no longer gives a damn. What is that about??? Four hours and they still can't work it out. Why must you taunt me so Margaret Mitchell?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Each Day.
Each day two thoughts pass through my mind. The first being I should end contact with everyone and live in total seclusion. Just live as those mystery people do. You know the ones who never talk about themselves at work and besides seeing them at work, you have no idea what they do with their time. The second thought is how long could I last before I would start to wonder if anyone cared that I deleted myself from their life.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Over Thinking.
I always over think things. But this past week it's really been taking a toll on me. I'm trying to sort out my feelings and figure out how I should feel. Along with this it seems I'm also considering what other people are feeling. This past year I was so caught up in what I was going through I didn't think about what I was doing to people around me. Now I'm trying to make sure I don't cause anymore pain to the people I love. But in the process of doing so I think I may have taken a few steps back. I'm over thinking everything and second guessing all that I do. I catch myself having fun and wonder if it's the right kind of fun. I've never had to be so careful before. It's making me want to be reckless, which is what I'm trying to avoid. Why does being healthy have to be so complicated?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I can't seem to decide which is better. If your alone you can't get hurt. If you minimize your contact with others your free of all disappointments and pain that come with any kind of relationship. But if your alone, you also don't get to experience happiness with others. If there's one thing i've realized, even the best thing isn't half as good as it is with someone else who will appreciate it just as much. You experience twice as much joy and twice as much pain with coming into contact with others. So i guess it's down to deciding wether you want amplified extreme feelings or minimal barely there feelings.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Pay Day.
So today I made a dent on my credit card bill, finally. Almost debt free for me! Then I can finally save up for the beautiful 50D. I'm working hard, but it's paying off. I'm very proud of how fast I'm working to get my credit bill down. Two more pay checks and i'll be home free.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
PJ Day.
So today I had a day off, which was fantastic. I did absolutely nothing and had the best day. I've been so busy and working so much. It was such a great change to stay in my pj's all day and just relax. I caught up on all the T.V. i've been missing so now I don't feel so out of the loop. All in all it was a great day. But now that i've had today, I have to focus on working hard and doing well at all 3 jobs.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Time To Focus.
I knew I was having a hard time staying focused on my goal, but i didn't realize how it was showing in my work. I really thought i was doing well. But in 2 out of 3 jobs i've been told i need to re-focus. So it's time to adjust. Before it was the goal of securing the job. But once i secured the job I lost sight of what's at stake. Now I need to focus on the fact that I only have 10 more weeks here in Vancouver before I go back to school. I need to finnish what i started. I will leave with that beautiful 50D in hand.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Accident That You Can't Keep Your Eyes Off Of.
You know how there are those accidents that are so bad, but you can't look away? Well the same thing goes for really bad T.V. shows and books. It's so bad but you can't stop because you need to know if it gets better or worse. Well I was surfing the channels last night and I found this one show that was just awful. It's called Alice, I Think. Check out this episode.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ups and Down's of Freedom.
So i'm working on what kind of budget i'll have next semester when I go back to school and I finally get why everyone is always working. I figured they had their reasons, but I didn't realize it was so they could survive. Even if i worked 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, I would barely make enough. After doing the math, my eyes have been opened. There's no way i'll be able to pay for rent on my own with 6 classes next semester.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sometimes It Can Be Harsh.
I keep saying that I'm handling 3 jobs just fine. But it's getting harder every day. At first I was able to get up for the 5 a.m. opening shift, but it's becoming harder as I continue this path. Hopefully I'll be able to find a new outlook because otherwise I might have to change something.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Don't Leave Me So Naked.
Why is it when you have someone read over your work, or view any work at all, it feels like your standing naked in front of them. I guess it's because you put a part of yourself into your work, if your serious about it. So in a way you are stripping a layer when they look at your work. I just wish it didn't make me so uneasy every time. I usually get the same people to look at my work and critique it. I figured that this might help my nerves because it's the same people. Nope. That was a wish that will never come true.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Swine Flu, How Dare You.
I unfortunately had to call in sick yesterday and today because i have fallen ill. Not with swine flu, but the common cold has taken over. The swine flu joke/question has gotten old though. I laughed the first 3 times.....the other 62 times i humored the other person. I think it's time for a new epidemic.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sleepless In Vancouver Part 4.
Just let it take you away into a different life.
Lullaby by Natalie Merchant
Goodnight Moon by Jack Ingram
A Sorta Fairy Tale by Tori Amos
To Be Alone With You by Sufjan Stevens
Sweetness In Starlight by Matt Wertz
The Long Day Is Over by Norah Jones
Reasons To Love You by Meiko
This Year's Love by Katie Melua
White Lies by Paolo Nutini
Truly, Madly, Deeply by Ray LaMontagne
Lullaby by Natalie Merchant
Goodnight Moon by Jack Ingram
A Sorta Fairy Tale by Tori Amos
To Be Alone With You by Sufjan Stevens
Sweetness In Starlight by Matt Wertz
The Long Day Is Over by Norah Jones
Reasons To Love You by Meiko
This Year's Love by Katie Melua
White Lies by Paolo Nutini
Truly, Madly, Deeply by Ray LaMontagne
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide.
SO I'm in the exact same situation all over again. It must be something I'm doing. I must be my own worst enemy or something. How do i manage to bring this upon myself, not once, but twice! I was finally doing really well again too. I was adjusting, making new friends at work, smiling and feeling happy. But that wasn't meant to last i guess.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sleepless in Vancouver Part 3.
For those who still can't drift off:
Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright
Over The Rainbow by Shawn McDonald
Calling You by Blue October
This Year's Love by David Gray
Alright For Now by Tom Petty
Goodnight Hollywood Blvd. by Ryan Adams
Now Comes The Night by Rob Thomas
I found A Reason by Cat Power
The Great Escape by Patrick Watson
Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright
Over The Rainbow by Shawn McDonald
Calling You by Blue October
This Year's Love by David Gray
Alright For Now by Tom Petty
Goodnight Hollywood Blvd. by Ryan Adams
Now Comes The Night by Rob Thomas
I found A Reason by Cat Power
The Great Escape by Patrick Watson
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pleasantly Surprising.
Kevin Costner and Modern West play some really great music together. This video is them playing one of my favourites live. Check it out:
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sleepless In Vancouver Part 2.
Here's another playlist to fall asleep to:
Strange & Beautiful by Aqualung
Come Away With Me by Norah Jones
Hold You In My Arms by Ray LaMontagne
Can I Stay by Ray LaMontagne
Breathe Me by Sia
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine
Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy
Asleep by The Smiths
Strange & Beautiful by Aqualung
Come Away With Me by Norah Jones
Hold You In My Arms by Ray LaMontagne
Can I Stay by Ray LaMontagne
Breathe Me by Sia
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine
Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy
Asleep by The Smiths
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sleepless in Vancouver Part 1.
If any of you out there are sleepless tonight, try out this playlist. Yes there may be a certain'll figure it out pretty fast I'm guessing.
Black River by Amos Lee
Full Moon by The Black Ghosts
Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation
If You Don't Wanna Love Me by James Morrison
Are You Lonesome Tonight by Norah Jones (Elvis cover)
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Black River by Amos Lee
Full Moon by The Black Ghosts
Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation
If You Don't Wanna Love Me by James Morrison
Are You Lonesome Tonight by Norah Jones (Elvis cover)
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Monday, October 5, 2009
Unexpected Bliss
Life can be painfully brutal sometimes. We struggle and go through hard ships as we grow. But along the way, with our many disappointments that we endure, we have to remember to enjoy the small things. The little things like a really great matinée. Have you ever noticed how going to see a matinée by yourself can be so calming? Or when your favorite song comes on the radio. Rock out to it and enjoy every word. Thats how you keep going when life gets fussy and complicated. You need to enjoy the small things in order to survive. If you don't, you might just fizzle away.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Three Jobs.
Job # 1 (a.k.a. the best) is at the Aquarium here in Vancouver. I am a photographer. It's awesome.
Job # 2 is at Starbucks as a Barista. It's good money, but man sometimes it can be super stressful. I'm working at a store that is under staffed and going through a lot of changes.
Job # 3 is at White Spot as a hostess.
I've managed to work these three jobs together for about 4 weeks now. Hopefully i can keep it up.
Job # 2 is at Starbucks as a Barista. It's good money, but man sometimes it can be super stressful. I'm working at a store that is under staffed and going through a lot of changes.
Job # 3 is at White Spot as a hostess.
I've managed to work these three jobs together for about 4 weeks now. Hopefully i can keep it up.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Where The Wild Things Are.
Ahhh I am so excited for this to come out!!! I used to love this book as a kid. Check it out:
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Thousand Ideas At Once.
So since moving to Vancouver, I've been trying to figure out the best way to spend my time. What should i do? My mind has gone from a cooking class, bar-tending class, photo school, working full time, and other ideas in between. I just cant seem to make up my mind. I have so many things i want to do and just not enough resources to do it all. i have this compelling feeling that all these options will disappear once i finnish school. Which is so wrong because i'll only be 22 when i finnish college. I'm not sure why this impending doom feeling is hovering over me. I don't like it all though. Not only do i feel like my options are closing in on me, i also feel overwhelmed and discouraged. Everyday i get this new idea and i'll be really excited about it. But it always seems that by the end of the day or the week i'll have thought about it, shared it with someone, realized what i'd have to give up or the unrealistic side of it, and then i'll discard and be bummed about it not working out. I can't seem to commit to anything anymore. I'm not sure why i've become so flakey all of a sudden, but it's not like me and I'm not really comfortable with it.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
500 Days Of Summer
Man i love this movie. I think it's because i can relate to it. I think we've all thought maybe this person is the one...and then they're not. I like this movie because there isn't a happily ever after. I like it because it shows a person going through something normal that can completely destroy your life and then it shows him overcome it. Plus i love Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Zooey Deschanel is in a band called She and Him. You should check it out. Her voice is awesome!
Here's the trailer for 500 Days Of Summer to check out:
Here's the trailer for 500 Days Of Summer to check out:
Friday, September 18, 2009
When Will It Stop?
I can run, i can hide, but eventually it always comes back. This feeling of sadness overwhelms me. Even moving away from all things toxic can't make it go away. If anything i think the sadness has become worse. At least before i had some great friends to depend on, here there's no one i can talk to about this. I really thought i had finally escaped this feeling. This fear and sadness was gone for almost a month. It was a great month. But now reality is kicking in. I ran away from something i can't run away from. And by running away i some how made it worse. How does that work? I'm lost. If i stay here I'm afraid the hole inside me will grow. But if i leave I'm giving up. I've only been here a month and a half. How sad would that be to give up so soon? I've already let myself down a lot this past while, can i add another thing to the list? No, I really don't think i can. But come January i'll be back in Orange County.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Art Museum.
I recently visited the Art Museum in Vancouver. It was beautiful. The Gallery is in the center of downtown and has a beautiful collection. Part of the collection was by Jack Shadbolt. I've fallen in love with his work. My favorite piece by him in the museums collection is called India Suite. I couldn't find a picture of it, but i did find a documentary that follows Shadbolt over a 9-month period. Check it out (this is part 1 of 3):
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Retro Cartoons.
Remember when you used to wake up to the old school cartoons? They were so much better than the cartoons kids watch today.
List of Cartoons that Rock:
Josie and the Pussycats
Pink Panther
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Yogi Bear
The Flintstones
The Jetsons
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Inspector Gadget
All Looney Tunes Cartoons
Pinky and the Brain
All Cartoons by Walt Disney
Here's a clip to get a taste of the old school greatness:
List of Cartoons that Rock:
Josie and the Pussycats
Pink Panther
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Yogi Bear
The Flintstones
The Jetsons
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Inspector Gadget
All Looney Tunes Cartoons
Pinky and the Brain
All Cartoons by Walt Disney
Here's a clip to get a taste of the old school greatness:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I Wonder.
Do you ever just wonder, what's the point? People are always working towards something. But when you get somewhere, what if there's no one there with you to enjoy it? Will it be great if your alone? The more i experience, the more i want to share those experiences. There's so much i wanna see and do. But every time i do one of those things, i wish there was someone to share it with me. Is it just me? Am i just dependent on other people? Or is it a human need to have someone along for the ride?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
10 Things I Love About Myself.
1. The kinks and waves my hair has when i let it dry on it's own.
2. At the end of the day, being short has it's advantages.
3. My nails.
4. My hands.
5. The way my mind works. How i can talk in circle's but somehow end up making sense.
6. My nose.
7. My eyes.
8. My legs.
9. My sense of humor.
10. My eyebrows.
2. At the end of the day, being short has it's advantages.
3. My nails.
4. My hands.
5. The way my mind works. How i can talk in circle's but somehow end up making sense.
6. My nose.
7. My eyes.
8. My legs.
9. My sense of humor.
10. My eyebrows.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Oh Job, Do you exist?
So I am having the HARDEST time finding a job. It's not a lack of experience either. It's awful. I've never had this much trouble finding a job before. I don't agree with this one bit. I've literally handed out 60 resumes by now, if not more. How sad is that?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
You Have to Deal.
How To Deal. This is another movie on my list. It's allowed on the list because the characters go through stuff that again we can relate to. But also, each character ends up okay despite the mess, confusion, and disaster that is life. I love the beginning quote because i can totally agree with it.
"Sometimes life is so perfect, isn't it? It has to be to make up for all the hard stuff it throws your way. You have to learn how to walk, you have to learn how to talk, you have to wear that totally ridiculous hat that your grandma bought for you, and you have no say in the matter. And when you're a little older, even though you get to choose your hats, you don't get to choose what they put in those meatballs in the cafeteria, or when to fall in love...things happen and you just have to deal..."
- Mandy Moore as Halley Martin in How to Deal.
"Sometimes life is so perfect, isn't it? It has to be to make up for all the hard stuff it throws your way. You have to learn how to walk, you have to learn how to talk, you have to wear that totally ridiculous hat that your grandma bought for you, and you have no say in the matter. And when you're a little older, even though you get to choose your hats, you don't get to choose what they put in those meatballs in the cafeteria, or when to fall in love...things happen and you just have to deal..."
- Mandy Moore as Halley Martin in How to Deal.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Lowpoint Lowpoint!
Okay The Holiday, such a great movie! It's right up there with The Family Stone, and Elizabethtown. I think it's because when each movie starts out, the main characters are in a lowpoint of their lives. So on the one hand it makes you realize that your not the only depressed person out there with crap raining on your life. AN on the other, by the end of the movie the main character usually finds his/her way out out of the rain and into some kind of working solution, or they at least find the "Silver Lining". So when ever my life hits a lowpoint, i just turn one of these babies on and it works like a charm. At least until i start to think about everything once again, but it's a nice escape anyway.
This quote from The Holiday is one that i love. Why? Because i completely agree and can relate to it all too well.
Iris: I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I am more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. It was Shakespeare who also said "love is blind". Now that is something I know to be true. For some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. But then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night. And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. Its called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space! Yes, you are looking at one such individual. And I have willingly loved that man for over three miserable years! The absolute worst years of my life! The worst Christmas', the worst Birthday's, New Years Eve's brought in by tears and valium. These years that I have been in love have been the darkest days of my life. All because I've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back. Oh god, just the sight of him! Heart pounding! Throat thickening! Absolutely can't swallow! All the usual symptoms.
This quote from The Holiday is one that i love. Why? Because i completely agree and can relate to it all too well.
Iris: I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I am more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. It was Shakespeare who also said "love is blind". Now that is something I know to be true. For some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. But then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night. And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. Its called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space! Yes, you are looking at one such individual. And I have willingly loved that man for over three miserable years! The absolute worst years of my life! The worst Christmas', the worst Birthday's, New Years Eve's brought in by tears and valium. These years that I have been in love have been the darkest days of my life. All because I've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back. Oh god, just the sight of him! Heart pounding! Throat thickening! Absolutely can't swallow! All the usual symptoms.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Strawberry Swing
This music video is One of Coldplays greats. Check it out, But make sure you click HD before you watch it; it makes the experience.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Sad Mr. and Mrs. Who
So my friend Tay and I used to get very bored in our 2nd period photo class in high school. This led to writing depressing and sarcastic short stories and poems. Here is an example of this. I found it while unpacking and thought it should be shared.
Our Ballad of the Who's
There once was a Who named Mrs. Who
There once was a Who named Mr. Who
They loved each other very much
But they were always very blue
Mrs. Who had a cold and kept saying ha-choo!
Mr. Who found himself always saying bless you!
Mrs. Who needed medicine that would work ultra-fast
So Mr. Who bought some flu-gone-ultra-fast, before he got sick too
Mrs. Who said "this flu must end"
So she went to Dr. Who, who was her friend
He fixed her up and got rid of her cold
But on the way home she got into a fender bender
Back to the Dr. Who Mrs. Who was rushed
and Mrs. Who's face was extremely flushed
Mr. Who scurried to the hospital as fast as he could
With his huskies he quickly mushed
After 6 weeks in extensive care
and 46 teddy bears
Mrs. Who was finally allowed to go home
She got to go but was confined to her wheel chair
There once was a Who named Mrs. Who
There once was a Who named Mr. Who
They loved each other very much
and they were always very blue
Our Ballad of the Who's
There once was a Who named Mrs. Who
There once was a Who named Mr. Who
They loved each other very much
But they were always very blue
Mrs. Who had a cold and kept saying ha-choo!
Mr. Who found himself always saying bless you!
Mrs. Who needed medicine that would work ultra-fast
So Mr. Who bought some flu-gone-ultra-fast, before he got sick too
Mrs. Who said "this flu must end"
So she went to Dr. Who, who was her friend
He fixed her up and got rid of her cold
But on the way home she got into a fender bender
Back to the Dr. Who Mrs. Who was rushed
and Mrs. Who's face was extremely flushed
Mr. Who scurried to the hospital as fast as he could
With his huskies he quickly mushed
After 6 weeks in extensive care
and 46 teddy bears
Mrs. Who was finally allowed to go home
She got to go but was confined to her wheel chair
There once was a Who named Mrs. Who
There once was a Who named Mr. Who
They loved each other very much
and they were always very blue
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wait! Call now and....
Oh infomercials, how awesome you are to watch in the middle of the night. Currently i'm watching an infomercial about the turbo-snake. This guy isn't too bad. The part where he pulls the hair out of the sink...not so hot, lol.
Anyways Check out this article on the weirdest amusement parks around the world:
Bon Bon Land sounds
Anyways Check out this article on the weirdest amusement parks around the world:
Bon Bon Land sounds
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Falling Down.
So Scarlett Jo.....she's beautiful. But i never really thought she was great at anything. But slowly I've realized that she's actually really talented. Not only at acting, but at singing too. I actually really love her voice. It's got an Amy Whinehouse/dramatic feel to it. Check out her first single Falling Down, which was released in 2008.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Pull out a twenty when I rock for your party.
If your looking for something to watch that'll fit just right with a bud, look no further. The Dancing Outlaw is perfect with a bud for a good laugh or two. This documentary was released in 1991. It's about a man whose a hard-living, tap-dancing Boone County resident whose repeat run-ins with the law interfere with his dream of becoming a renowned "mountain dancer" just like his late father, D. Ray White.
Here's a clip for ya.
Here's a clip for ya.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Yo Ho Yo Ho No More Boos For You
Okay Binge drinking; not okay. I love my friends dearly. But some, maybe one or two in particular, have become binge drinkers. Now i have nothing against a good night, here and there. But when your drinking for the wrong reasons continuously, it's not healthy. And on top of that it just makes me worry. I've seen what an alcoholic's like and I've seen what happens when you avoid your problems. No good comes of either. And for those who are drinking because it makes you fit in or feel older, is it really worth waking up and not knowing where you are or worse? I hope not. This is a notice to everyone out there; especially college students who don't have their drinking under control. Get it under control before it's too late. I'm worried about my friends. How do i help them?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ab Fab
Jennifer Saunders Is brilliant. Her creation Absolutely Fabulous is hilarious. This British comedy is a jewel. Check out the beginning of the very first episode.
Monday, August 17, 2009
As the sun rose
In case I've never mentioned it, Vancouver is so beautiful during the sun rise. I live right on the water on Hastings and Bute. Watching the sun rise and seeing the light reflecting off the water is absolutely beautifully calming. My dad used to live on North Vancouver and i used to think that seeing the sun rise on that side of Vancouver was beautiful. But on this side, looking at North Vancouver, Its not only amazingly beautiful, but also so calming. I think this side is more calming because your not seeing the city awake but rather, a mountain and a just a few cars beginning to drive around. I think this has to be one of the most beautiful places. Even though i couldn't sleep tonight/this morning, I'm glad i got to witness this beautiful occurrence.
A frantic panic had taken hold of her all night long
The pressure of making a great impression during her interview the next morning took over
She was not only nervous, but somewhat afraid
Afraid of finding out that she didn't have what it took to be in this line of work
She was afraid that she would be told she didn't have the knowledge needed
But as she laid in her bed looking out her window, the sun began to rise
Slowly the dark turned into a dark glow
The dark glow slowly turned into a dim light
And that dim light turned into light
And soon enough it was bright out
It was now day, where had the night gone?
All she knew was that as the sun rose
her sense of panic turned into a calm assurance
An assurance that she had done all she could
And now it was time to face her fear
A frantic panic had taken hold of her all night long
The pressure of making a great impression during her interview the next morning took over
She was not only nervous, but somewhat afraid
Afraid of finding out that she didn't have what it took to be in this line of work
She was afraid that she would be told she didn't have the knowledge needed
But as she laid in her bed looking out her window, the sun began to rise
Slowly the dark turned into a dark glow
The dark glow slowly turned into a dim light
And that dim light turned into light
And soon enough it was bright out
It was now day, where had the night gone?
All she knew was that as the sun rose
her sense of panic turned into a calm assurance
An assurance that she had done all she could
And now it was time to face her fear
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Cyst, Cyst, Go Away
An Ovarian Cyst. That's what caused the missing of the Annual Cheese Rolling Festival. Why oh why did it have to start hurting the one day i had plans since i moved here. All well, that's life eh? Hopefully this thing goes away on it's own.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Roll the Cheese, Stat!
So today i was supposed to go to the Annual Cheese Rolling Festival with Dan, who by the way came up from Orange County. He didn't come for the festival, but he was looking forward to it. But instead of watching this awesome historic event, while drinking a Canadian, i spent my day waiting in the emergency room. Woo hoo.
P.s. There are Alot of odd people who hangout in the emergency room.
P.s. There are Alot of odd people who hangout in the emergency room.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Good Ol'Tucker
If your looking for some good music to listen to while sitting on the proch and having a beer...look no further. Marshall Tucker is perfect.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thoughts and blurbs.
One day, in the distant future
I'll hopefully figure it out
Figure out what life is about
Theory on life 108:
Life is meant to be explored
Life is an adventure
It's not supposed to be spent indoors
Your not supposed to act mature
There is something gained for some that is lost
But when youth, the dreams and imagination, departs
It takes something from our hearts
And it never returns again
I'll hopefully figure it out
Figure out what life is about
Theory on life 108:
Life is meant to be explored
Life is an adventure
It's not supposed to be spent indoors
Your not supposed to act mature
There is something gained for some that is lost
But when youth, the dreams and imagination, departs
It takes something from our hearts
And it never returns again
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wishing to converse at the Algonquin.
When i get writers block i always wish i could go to the Algonquin (a hotel) and sit at the Algonquin Roundtable. I think if i ever had the chance to sit at that table, i'd be filled with enough inspiration to last me a lifetime. Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley, Robert E. Sherwood, George S. Kaufman, Heywood Broun, and Edna Ferber were just a few of the brilliant people to sit at this table.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Boy Named Sue
This video is Johnny Cash live at San Quentin.
Play this at your next gathering and see who your real friends are.
Play this at your next gathering and see who your real friends are.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Annual Cheese Rolling Festival.
Yes, it's true ladies and gentelmen. There is in fact a Cheese Rolling Festival being held in Whistler, BC on Saturday, August 15. This is something i think i NEED to see live, in person. So i will be making the journey to this historic event next weekend. Check back to see my thoughts about the events and pictures shot next week.
Check out the website at
Check out the website at
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Glorious Imperfection
The idea of her life ending tomorrow made her reflect on the path she knew as everyday life. Instantly she knew it was not enough. She wanted to live, not just survive. The fear grew inside of her as she reflected on her life up to now. It looked more and more like a constant battle. She had been, up to now, fighting a continuous battle, but why? What was the point? What would the outcome be? Was it worth it? Was there even a need for the battle? Slowly the answer became more and more clear, as if the answer were the sun starting to shine through the disappearing rain clouds. The battle would soon be over. She need not surrender, but rather compromise. All that was required was acceptance of all life's curve balls and mysteries. Acceptance of the glorious imperfection that is life.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Review of One Week
I'm inspired by this idea. The idea that you should take advantage of the time you have left, rather than just trying to prolong a life of settling and responsibility. The average person would check in to a hospital the moment after he or she was informed of the fact that a deadly cancerous virus had infested itself inside his or her body. But not Ben Tyler. Ben Tyler, played by Joshua Jackson, decides to commit to living before letting himself fight to survive. Some would see it as running away, which he was. But he also took the opportunity to have an adventure. He bought a vintage motorcycle and went west. He started off in Toronto and ended on Vancouver Island. The idea director Michael McGowan had was to incorporate the concept of having a ticking timeline in a way that would feel natural. McGowan completed this task as well as any man could. There is no dark ominous music, but rather a folk/indie type genre. The folk song Un Canadien Errant fits perfectly within the idea that this movie embraces. Jackson's performance is inspiring and McGowan captures the elegance of Canada without ever losing focus on the story at hand. Overall I'd say it's a must-see if your looking for a movie that will make you question how your living and how you want to live.
Here's a clip from One Week:
Here's a clip from One Week:
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Random Writings I Scribbled Down.
Her thoughts, racing as the hare, needed a strategy like the tortoise had.
Life is a constant flow. It can be as beautiful and peaceful as a stream, or angry and rough like the ocean.
Life is a constant flow. It can be as beautiful and peaceful as a stream, or angry and rough like the ocean.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Carpe Diem!
People are always saying "seize the day!" But then they procrastinate and save a task here and there for the following day. But some people in my life decided to save a couple of things until the last possible minute, which totally makes me want to scream! I mean if i had known what I've learnt over the past four, things would be different. So I'm telling you all, Carpe Diem! Seize the day. Don't wait for tomorrow. Don't wait for the rain to stop before you go for a walk, walk in the rain! Tell everyone around you exactly how you feel. Be afraid of nothing. You don't know what tomorrow will bring, but you know what can happen today. As Robin Williams says in this clip from Dead Poet's Society "We are food for worms lads. Because believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day gonna stop breathing, turn cold, and die."
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Have You Ever?
Have you ever had that feeling
That feeling that you've lost something
But you don't know what it is
Have you ever had that feeling
That feeling that your sinking
Deeper and deeper into the unknown
That feeling that you've lost something
But you don't know what it is
Have you ever had that feeling
That feeling that your sinking
Deeper and deeper into the unknown
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
You smile, you laugh, you wave
You talk to those you don't know
As if you've known them since birth
Even though you'd rather not and go
You understand, you forgive
You give comfort to those unworthy of it
While secretly distrusting and hating the very same
Without them knowing it
You go to class, you go to work
You say you've got it all under control
You stress and Freak out
While slipping and losing control
You give advice
To those who are lost
But once alone, you too seek advice
For you are just as lost
You talk to those you don't know
As if you've known them since birth
Even though you'd rather not and go
You understand, you forgive
You give comfort to those unworthy of it
While secretly distrusting and hating the very same
Without them knowing it
You go to class, you go to work
You say you've got it all under control
You stress and Freak out
While slipping and losing control
You give advice
To those who are lost
But once alone, you too seek advice
For you are just as lost
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Just Agree.
A lot of things happen in this world that we can't stop. Some choices are bad, but people make them all the time. So why is it that when someone make's a bad decision that affects someone else, the someone else feels guilty? Even when that someone else knows it's not their fault. Our minds and our hearts don't always agree and i just don't know why that is. Life would be so much easier if they did.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Let yourself wallow as you box up a part of your life. It's okay.
So when moving and packing up your things, a playlist is necessary. Now the key is to not play songs you've connected with while living in the "safe" area. But rather find songs that allow you to feel sad, but will also convince you to move forward. Find the songs that you can sing along to and totally relate to. Or if all else fails put on some Patsy Cline. She should be every one's sad music in my opinion. You can just hear her voice and know, someone else felt this. But for those wanting a little more selection, try this one.
P.s. The Norah Jones helps mellow you out without being too dramatic. You can never not be in a Norah Jones mood if you ask me.
Moving Playlist #1:
Turn Me On - Norah Jones
Sweet Darlin' - She and Him
If I Can't Have You - Etta James
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Moondance - From the August Rush Soundtrack
I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday
Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung
The Very Thought Of You - Billie Holiday
Stormy Weather - Billie Holiday
The Story - Brandi Carlile
At Last - Etta James
Days Like This - Van Morrison
Naked As We Come - Iron and Wine
Rock & Roll - Eric Hutchinson
Up Here - Terra Naomi
The Saddest Song In The World - Meiko
A Thousand Miles - Michelle Branch
As Time Goes By - Frank Sinatra
Breathe - Michelle Branch
Don't Know Why - Norah Jones
The Game Changed - Terra Naomi
Time Will Do The Talking - Patty Griffin
Said And Done - Meiko
The Call - Regina Spektor
When The Stars Go Blue - Ryan Adams
A Change Is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? - She And Him
The Vicodin Song - Terra Naomi
Not Sorry - Terra Naomi
Make Up Your Mind - Theory Of A Deadman
Leave the Peices - The Wreckers
Say It's Possible - Terra Naomi
Breaking My Heart - Aqualung
Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
***P.s.s. Sorry, it's a little more female friendly. For the males out there...any song you feel is too girlie, just switch it with a Frank Sinatra Song. It'll do the trick.
P.s. The Norah Jones helps mellow you out without being too dramatic. You can never not be in a Norah Jones mood if you ask me.
Moving Playlist #1:
Turn Me On - Norah Jones
Sweet Darlin' - She and Him
If I Can't Have You - Etta James
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Moondance - From the August Rush Soundtrack
I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday
Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung
The Very Thought Of You - Billie Holiday
Stormy Weather - Billie Holiday
The Story - Brandi Carlile
At Last - Etta James
Days Like This - Van Morrison
Naked As We Come - Iron and Wine
Rock & Roll - Eric Hutchinson
Up Here - Terra Naomi
The Saddest Song In The World - Meiko
A Thousand Miles - Michelle Branch
As Time Goes By - Frank Sinatra
Breathe - Michelle Branch
Don't Know Why - Norah Jones
The Game Changed - Terra Naomi
Time Will Do The Talking - Patty Griffin
Said And Done - Meiko
The Call - Regina Spektor
When The Stars Go Blue - Ryan Adams
A Change Is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? - She And Him
The Vicodin Song - Terra Naomi
Not Sorry - Terra Naomi
Make Up Your Mind - Theory Of A Deadman
Leave the Peices - The Wreckers
Say It's Possible - Terra Naomi
Breaking My Heart - Aqualung
Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
***P.s.s. Sorry, it's a little more female friendly. For the males out there...any song you feel is too girlie, just switch it with a Frank Sinatra Song. It'll do the trick.
Slowly her life faded away with each box packed, as if she had never been there.
Packing up a house is always a sad thing. It's one of the downsides to moving. That, leaving your Friends and current "safe" zone, and having people look at your house (visualizing their life in it). Today we started boxing up things we know we want to bring and not put into storage. I'm such a pack rat that my room is almost as much work as a full apartment. So i was brutal and threw out anything i knew i could live without. It was painful, lol. But i managed to do pretty well i think. I've packed up everything from my dresser and desk because i have to downsize, so with these i must part. I've had them for a good solid 9 years. They've seen me through some hard times, but now it's time to part and go our separate ways. All I've got left to pack is my closet and my bed. It feels like I've been productive today.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pause. Reflect. Remember to Breath.
Sometimes i get so busy with life that i forget to realize just how amazing this world is. If you need a reminder take a look.
There's just something so calming about sitting in front of an aquarium eh?
There's just something so calming about sitting in front of an aquarium eh?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
LA offers the MOST interesting things to do.
So tonight i went with some friends to Hollywood Cemetery where we watched Bride of Frankenstein. It was so cool! So many people where there. People go early to claim Grass space and bring extravagant picnics and drink wine as the sun goes down. It's very classy in it's own way. If you ever get the chance, go and watch a movie at Hollywood Cemetery. It's a bit morbid, but like estate sales, fantastic at the same time.
P.s. I HATE the ending to Bride of Frankenstein! It's so sad the way he gets rejected like that. She was supposed to be his mate, the one that could relate to him. What a sad way to end his life.
P.s. I HATE the ending to Bride of Frankenstein! It's so sad the way he gets rejected like that. She was supposed to be his mate, the one that could relate to him. What a sad way to end his life.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Patience. I wish i was patient. I wish i could wait for an answer days after the question had been asked. I wish i could calmly wait for someone to ask me a question before i ask them. But sadly i have no patience. I require quick answers and fault those who do not respond. I do not care what they respond with, as long as there is a response. This i view as a fault on my end. If i were more patient with people, perhaps it would bring about different responses. But sadly i am not.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Questions that never needed to be answered.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
The's out of reach.
What would you like to get rid of?
Paris Hilton.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Calgary....i feel like chillin with a few cool kids from that area.
Which language(s) do you want to learn?
French for love. Spanish for fighting.
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone who will let me bitch and cry and react in no way.
Who do you want to meet right now?
Everyone i don't know.
What is your favorite color?
Stupid thing is I'm obsessed with colour - all of them! And somehow I end up wearing a lot of black. Go figure.
If you had $1oo now, what would you spend it on?
A road trip to somewhere i haven't been. Gas is costly...
Your favorite thing right now?
My Kick Ass record player that morgan bought me for christmas. It's amazing.
Fashion pet peeve?
When people wear jean shorts with tights...especially tights with holes or a lace type look. I just think it looks awful.
What is your favorite TV show?
What are you reading right now?
The Dante Trap by Arnaud Delalande - it's set it Venice in 1756. It's a crime fiction with a DaVinci Code vibe going on. If you know what Dante's Inferno is then you'll know what I mean.
Tell us 3 random facts about yourself:
I lived in Hong Kong;
I have an identical twin;
I want to live in a converted warehouse studio apartment - NY style - distressed walls, an old lift, open-space filled with art and photography and a big queen bed with fluffy white pillows that never gets made.
The's out of reach.
What would you like to get rid of?
Paris Hilton.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Calgary....i feel like chillin with a few cool kids from that area.
Which language(s) do you want to learn?
French for love. Spanish for fighting.
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone who will let me bitch and cry and react in no way.
Who do you want to meet right now?
Everyone i don't know.
What is your favorite color?
Stupid thing is I'm obsessed with colour - all of them! And somehow I end up wearing a lot of black. Go figure.
If you had $1oo now, what would you spend it on?
A road trip to somewhere i haven't been. Gas is costly...
Your favorite thing right now?
My Kick Ass record player that morgan bought me for christmas. It's amazing.
Fashion pet peeve?
When people wear jean shorts with tights...especially tights with holes or a lace type look. I just think it looks awful.
What is your favorite TV show?
What are you reading right now?
The Dante Trap by Arnaud Delalande - it's set it Venice in 1756. It's a crime fiction with a DaVinci Code vibe going on. If you know what Dante's Inferno is then you'll know what I mean.
Tell us 3 random facts about yourself:
I lived in Hong Kong;
I have an identical twin;
I want to live in a converted warehouse studio apartment - NY style - distressed walls, an old lift, open-space filled with art and photography and a big queen bed with fluffy white pillows that never gets made.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Never Underestimate the Healing of a Sad Song
Yesterday everything caught up with me. All those things i was trying to avoid. It's like i slammed into a brick wall. I never understood how painful it could be to loose someone you love, especially when your loosing them to an unknown reason. Why did that person leave you? Why doesn't he want you anymore? Why are guys so bad with explaining things. All they do is avoid it. I guess it's time to watch Elizabethtown and slip away for a few days.
If your in the same boat, here's a playlist for ya:
Gloomy Sunday - Billie Holiday
Elanor Rigby - The Beatles
Hurt - Johnny Cash
Hallejuah - Jeff Buckely
Naked As We Came - Iron and Wine
Anyone Who Had A Heart - Dionne Warwick
I've Just Gotta Get A Message To You - BeeGees
Lost Cause - Beck
The River - Bruce Sprinstein
No Suprises - Radiohead
A Change Is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Space Oddity - David Bowie
If your in the same boat, here's a playlist for ya:
Gloomy Sunday - Billie Holiday
Elanor Rigby - The Beatles
Hurt - Johnny Cash
Hallejuah - Jeff Buckely
Naked As We Came - Iron and Wine
Anyone Who Had A Heart - Dionne Warwick
I've Just Gotta Get A Message To You - BeeGees
Lost Cause - Beck
The River - Bruce Sprinstein
No Suprises - Radiohead
A Change Is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I Like This...
I like waiting for my wet hair to dry into funky waves that never seem to be the same. I like vanilla flavoured cream in my coffee. I like eating alone. I like getting lost. I like your laugh. I like the way your eyes calm me down and the way we hold each others gaze for hours on end. I like listening to old messages people have left in the past and imagine the different replies i could have given. I like being the only one who knows what your thinking in a room full of people. I like going to matinees alone. I like sharing moments of appreciation with others. I like using post-its as bookmarks so i can easily label my favourite parts. I like the sound of a chord change on an acoustic guitar. I like feeling your eyes on me when I look away. I like knowing i can call you at anytime and you'll listen to me. I like seeing the sun rise more than seeing it set. I like leftovers. I like unplanned road trips. I like being in the rain more than being in the sun.
Phantoms! Whenever I think I fully understand mankind's purpose on earth, just when I foolishly imagine that I have seized upon the meaning of life.. suddenly I see phantoms dancing in the shadows, mysterious phantoms, performing a gavotte that says, as pointedly as words, "What you know is nothing, little man; what you have to learn, immense."
-Charles Dickens
He spoke the truth.
-Charles Dickens
He spoke the truth.
The Lost Tribes Of New York City.
Urban anthropologists Carolyn and Andy London animated street objects of New York using the voices of New Yorkers they had interviewed. It's insane! Check it out.
Beautiful, yet Violent.
A Girl I Used To Know.
There was this girl i used to know. She had her whole life ahead of her. She was constantly making goals for herself and changing them daily. She was a fighter. People knew that she was not to be crossed and if she was, that was it. You'd get the silent treatment so bad you'd regret ever crossing her. On rare occasions she gave a second chance, but only to those who were truly remorseful and deserved it. But somewhere along the way, through Jr. High and High School, she got lost. Maybe it was the crowd she was with, or maybe the guys she dated. What ever it was, all the things that used to be important seemed small and unworthy of her time and the goals she had made became unimportant. Soon enough she had no idea what her future held. She had lost herself in a world she didn't understand.
To be continued...
To be continued...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Life = Gravity.
Bad things happen to us all the time. Some of us believe in karma. But what about those who do nothing wrong, yet suffer more than any person should? What about Innocent children that haven't even had a chance to do something wrong? Why do they have to go through struggles? Karma does not exist in my mind. Life is hard. It will never be easy. Right when you think your happy, look out. Something WILL go wrong. Its inevitable. A balance, some might say. Look at it as gravity; what goes up must come down. All you can do is cherish those ups and when your down, know that you'll be up again.
Thank you.
Moving, inevitably you'll have to say goodbye to those who are staying behind. It's always hard to say goodbye to those who have made your life better because they were in it. I'm not sure anyone can really know the impact they have on someone else. But i hope the people here know the impact they've made in my life before i leave. There are certain people here that have helped me get past some pretty hard things over the past year and to those that did, thank you. You'll never know how much being there for me has meant. It's always sad saying goodbye, you can't always be sure that you'll see everyone again. It could be the last time you hug them. It's even harder when you have to say goodbye before your ready. But you can't ever really prepare for goodbyes, I've certainly never been good at them, and I've said a lot of goodbyes. So the countdown starts. I've already had to say goodbye to a few, and as much as I'll want to procrastinate saying goodbye to anyone else, it's inevitable. So to all those that have been in my life this past year, in case i don't get the chance to say it, thank you.
Playlist for Morgan:
1. Tire Swing - Kimya Dawson
2. Half Asleep - School of Seven Bells
3. Hook Me Up - The Veronicas
4. Reasons to Love You - Meiko
5. Would You? - Richard Swift
6. Heart it Races - Architecture in Helsinki
7. Beirut - Elephant Gun
8. Brighter Discontent - The Submarines
Playlist for Morgan:
1. Tire Swing - Kimya Dawson
2. Half Asleep - School of Seven Bells
3. Hook Me Up - The Veronicas
4. Reasons to Love You - Meiko
5. Would You? - Richard Swift
6. Heart it Races - Architecture in Helsinki
7. Beirut - Elephant Gun
8. Brighter Discontent - The Submarines
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Circle of Life.
People are the most fascinating thing on this planet. Who they are, how they look, act, everything. I don't know why I'm so fascinated by everyone around me, but i am. I just want to understand them, why people do the things they do. But maybe i should understand myself before i can understand someone else. Well Ive been trying to figure myself out for over 19 years, new subject please.
I mean honestly some people do the strangest things and some people are scared of the simplest things. I mean honestly the fact that everyone is so different is kind of amazing and beautiful. I love that everyone has a different interest. So why is it that when i meet someone whose into the music that i am or has the same outlook on life as i do, I'm so interested in them. Maybe its because they are more like me so figuring out what makes them tick will help me figure out myself a little more. Or maybe its just that everyone is so different and when i finally meet someone whose into what i am, i want to hold on to the feeling of normalcy for a second. But again that just brings me back to why the hell do i like the feeling of normalcy when i love being so different? I would never want to just be into the 5 most popular things and that's it. I love learning new things, finding new places, going on awesome adventures, and mostly i love that i can say i have other interests. I love it when i can hold my own in a conversation on life and when i can talk about interests with someone else. Everything is so confusing. But in a way when ever i ponder things such as these it always turns into a circle and i end up where i started. Maybe Mufasa was right about the circle of life.
I mean honestly some people do the strangest things and some people are scared of the simplest things. I mean honestly the fact that everyone is so different is kind of amazing and beautiful. I love that everyone has a different interest. So why is it that when i meet someone whose into the music that i am or has the same outlook on life as i do, I'm so interested in them. Maybe its because they are more like me so figuring out what makes them tick will help me figure out myself a little more. Or maybe its just that everyone is so different and when i finally meet someone whose into what i am, i want to hold on to the feeling of normalcy for a second. But again that just brings me back to why the hell do i like the feeling of normalcy when i love being so different? I would never want to just be into the 5 most popular things and that's it. I love learning new things, finding new places, going on awesome adventures, and mostly i love that i can say i have other interests. I love it when i can hold my own in a conversation on life and when i can talk about interests with someone else. Everything is so confusing. But in a way when ever i ponder things such as these it always turns into a circle and i end up where i started. Maybe Mufasa was right about the circle of life.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
People you love.
Why is it that only the people you love seem to piss you off the most? Maybe it's because they know they can push your buttons and at the end of the day you'll still love them. Taking advantage of this is never fair. But i know for a fact that i also do this, which makes it a lot worse. Whats scary is that i never used to get why she did what she did, but now i do. I'm not sure what to think, on the one hand i understand now. I mean it is in no way okay, but i get it. But on the other hand, if i understand it then maybe that means I'm doing the same thing. If that's the case, I'm doomed. I hate myself for even being near this path, but I'm at a place where i have no other dependence. I should be strong enough to not depend on anything or anyone, but what if I'm not? What does that mean for me? No matter how much i want to avoid everything and brush it off, it keeps coming back. I had a great night with my friend talking about nothing at all, and then the crap came back. Why can't it just stay away? I mean can't i even have one night? Would it be so terrible for me to avoid things for one night? Well as usual, the daily crap fest continues. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Speech Class.
So speech, what can i say? It wasn't half as bad as i thought, but it was difficult none the less. Not only did i have to give a speech in the first class period, but my teacher checks her Facebook more than i do. I mean seriously, this cannot lead to good things. On top of that, she referred to our speech class as a court room. This basically means that she knows being forced to take speech class is like being forced to do jury duty. Again, this cannot lead to good things. On the plus side though, i have a lot of bad ass classmates. Seriously, do you ever notice how amazingly interesting people can be? Well my whole class is interesting. It's awesome! The only bad thing is that they all seem amazing at talking in front of people except for me. I'm the black sheep. These next 10 classes are going to last longer than I'd hoped for sure.
Weird is Normal.
I experienced my morning playlist for the first time today; i actually quite enjoyed it. I even sent it to morgan, so we will see if it really passes the test or not.
So don't you love it when you over-prepare / wake up and get ready unuasually fast and then have time to kill? Ya, it's awesome. But the fact that i got up was an accomplishment in itself, considering that i usually only sleep during the day these days. So yay for me! I'm actually, in a strange way, excited for my class today. How weird is it that? I missed school. haha man i'm a weird person. But as my friends cousin and i say; weird is normal and normal is weird. So i'm good then eh?
So don't you love it when you over-prepare / wake up and get ready unuasually fast and then have time to kill? Ya, it's awesome. But the fact that i got up was an accomplishment in itself, considering that i usually only sleep during the day these days. So yay for me! I'm actually, in a strange way, excited for my class today. How weird is it that? I missed school. haha man i'm a weird person. But as my friends cousin and i say; weird is normal and normal is weird. So i'm good then eh?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Shake It.
I'm happy to say today was a great day. For once there was no drama, no sad feelings of any kind. Not once did my mind slip into depression mode, or even panic mode. That in itself means i had a good day. But what made it better was that i finally made some progress concerning getting back into the swing of things. I listened to some new music, cleaned my room, went for a great run, and did i mention i slept in until 4? It was a good last day before the start of disgusting awful summer school. Yes I'm only taking 2 classes, one being an online history class. But the other is speech. Enough said.
So in case anyone else out there is starting school this week, here's a morning play list to help you wake up:
Jet - Are You Gunna Be My Girl
Metro Station - Shake It
Spoon - Don't You Evah
Journey - Don't Stop Believing
Shanna Crooks - Wakin Up To Love
Kressha Turner - Bounce With Me
So in case anyone else out there is starting school this week, here's a morning play list to help you wake up:
Jet - Are You Gunna Be My Girl
Metro Station - Shake It
Spoon - Don't You Evah
Journey - Don't Stop Believing
Shanna Crooks - Wakin Up To Love
Kressha Turner - Bounce With Me
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Back on track
Hello world! I've been away for a while but I'm back to blogging.
So today's topic: trust.
How can anybody trust anyone? I've had my trust broken ALOT of times. In fact i can actually say; everyone that's ever said they loved me has broken my trust. Which is ironic because you only trust people you love right? I mean what the fuck is the point? Why does it even matter? Emotions are disgusting. I wish that we could just feel happy all the time and that was it. Fuck being sad. I mean at the end of the day were all gonna die. So whats the point? I think maybe I've been trying to find this idea that were all supposed to live by, but at the end of the day there's no point to any of it. Were just here for a little while. So I'm done trying to find an answer that just doesn't exist.
"A thousand goals have there been hitherto, for a thousand peoples
have there been. Only the fetter for the thousand necks is still
lacking; there is lacking the one goal. As yet humanity hath not a
But pray tell me, my brethren, if the goal of humanity be still
lacking, is there not also still lacking- humanity itself?-"
I'm going to enjoy everything i can and if something bad happens, well i mean it can't be worse than what's already happened. So I'm no longer going to dwell in the past. It's only making me have breakdowns and causing problems for everyone around me. I've become this toxic person that drags people into something that they should have never been dragged into. So I'm done letting it affect today and everyday after. It happened, and now its over.
So today's topic: trust.
How can anybody trust anyone? I've had my trust broken ALOT of times. In fact i can actually say; everyone that's ever said they loved me has broken my trust. Which is ironic because you only trust people you love right? I mean what the fuck is the point? Why does it even matter? Emotions are disgusting. I wish that we could just feel happy all the time and that was it. Fuck being sad. I mean at the end of the day were all gonna die. So whats the point? I think maybe I've been trying to find this idea that were all supposed to live by, but at the end of the day there's no point to any of it. Were just here for a little while. So I'm done trying to find an answer that just doesn't exist.
"A thousand goals have there been hitherto, for a thousand peoples
have there been. Only the fetter for the thousand necks is still
lacking; there is lacking the one goal. As yet humanity hath not a
But pray tell me, my brethren, if the goal of humanity be still
lacking, is there not also still lacking- humanity itself?-"
I'm going to enjoy everything i can and if something bad happens, well i mean it can't be worse than what's already happened. So I'm no longer going to dwell in the past. It's only making me have breakdowns and causing problems for everyone around me. I've become this toxic person that drags people into something that they should have never been dragged into. So I'm done letting it affect today and everyday after. It happened, and now its over.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Fix to Momentary Depression.
Why is it that we tend to feel better about ourselves when we find out someones life is more messed up than our own?
At the end of the day knowing that your not alone in making a mistake or being a bit different tends to make everything a little bit better. Maybe its the fact that if more than one person is a little screwed up then its normal, so therefore, not as big of a deal.
My favourite movie when I'm depressed is Elizabethtown, followed by Breakfast at Tiffany's. In each movie, the characters have somehow got to a point in their lives that most people would find sad, strange, and confusing. I think what i like the most about both of these movies is the fact that they somehow find their way out of their messes and end up being alright. It's not the happy ending fairytale, but more the fact that people have found their way out of bigger messes than whatever mess it is that I'm in at the time.
At the end of the day knowing that your not alone in making a mistake or being a bit different tends to make everything a little bit better. Maybe its the fact that if more than one person is a little screwed up then its normal, so therefore, not as big of a deal.
My favourite movie when I'm depressed is Elizabethtown, followed by Breakfast at Tiffany's. In each movie, the characters have somehow got to a point in their lives that most people would find sad, strange, and confusing. I think what i like the most about both of these movies is the fact that they somehow find their way out of their messes and end up being alright. It's not the happy ending fairytale, but more the fact that people have found their way out of bigger messes than whatever mess it is that I'm in at the time.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Experiment Gone Wrong
We always think at one point or another in our lives that we are alone. But how alone in this world can you really be? Why do we feel so alone and why is it that the only way we seem to feel complete is if we have someone of the opposite sex in our lives romantically. In order to be our best we need someone to push us and keep us growing. But in order to have a healthy and strong relationship, we are supposed to be our best so we can help the other. How does that work? Life is just one confusing circle. It's a continuous pattern.
Yin and Yang, good and bad, right and wrong, these are all supposed to keep us balanced. But for those who endure the bad and lonely feelings, where's their other side to balance them out? People can go through bad times and they may never get to live out the good, if there are any good times reserved for them in their life. How is that fair? God is supposed to be an all powerful being. If he did exist then why would he make it so we needed balance? Why didn't he make a perfect society to begin with? If he's so great, why didn't he make the human race perfect? This reason alone makes me wonder if there is just one powerful being. Maybe there's more than one person in charge out there. Maybe there's a group of beings and they couldn't agree on how to make a human perfect, which led to humans being imperfect. Which leads me back to maybe we are just an experiment and there really is someone just looking down on us and watching. Studying us in a lab. Maybe in search to make a perfect society, we were an experiment gone wrong.
Yin and Yang, good and bad, right and wrong, these are all supposed to keep us balanced. But for those who endure the bad and lonely feelings, where's their other side to balance them out? People can go through bad times and they may never get to live out the good, if there are any good times reserved for them in their life. How is that fair? God is supposed to be an all powerful being. If he did exist then why would he make it so we needed balance? Why didn't he make a perfect society to begin with? If he's so great, why didn't he make the human race perfect? This reason alone makes me wonder if there is just one powerful being. Maybe there's more than one person in charge out there. Maybe there's a group of beings and they couldn't agree on how to make a human perfect, which led to humans being imperfect. Which leads me back to maybe we are just an experiment and there really is someone just looking down on us and watching. Studying us in a lab. Maybe in search to make a perfect society, we were an experiment gone wrong.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Romance in a light.
It sits above the city, just bright enough to stick out over the lights from the buildings and traffic below.
The lights, flickering, some moving as they do, almost become an orchestra for an Opera.
The Moon, singing of a romance greater than the average soul can imagine.
For it to be as romantic as it is sung, there must have been tragedy.
Perhaps the Sun is it's lover, but they will never meet as they should.
A glimpse of whom each other longs for happens but twice every 24 hours.
One has to wonder what could have caused such a tragic thing, as to not let two lovers souls be one.
But for now all we can do is listen to the music, as the two lovers dance between night and day.
The lights, flickering, some moving as they do, almost become an orchestra for an Opera.
The Moon, singing of a romance greater than the average soul can imagine.
For it to be as romantic as it is sung, there must have been tragedy.
Perhaps the Sun is it's lover, but they will never meet as they should.
A glimpse of whom each other longs for happens but twice every 24 hours.
One has to wonder what could have caused such a tragic thing, as to not let two lovers souls be one.
But for now all we can do is listen to the music, as the two lovers dance between night and day.
Loves Meaning...
I'm not an expert on love and relationships and that's a fact. I've made many mistakes and looking back I'd say I've run away from just about every relationship i thought could go somewhere. Right when it ever got to the point of possibly saying the "L" word, I'd bail faster than a kid going off to college. I'm not sure if I've ever been in deep love, which only tells me i can't have been. I don't know why, but it always seems guys are falling in love with me and the moment they say the word love it's an automatic switch for me. One moment I'll be thinking maybe this time there's potential. But once they say the "L" word, the guy gets put into the friend box. I loose all interest. It's almost an instant reaction. I can't explain it. The worst part is, I'm always surprised. I feel like i should see it coming. The part i hate even more is when i break a guy's heart, because I'm for some reason screwed up. If i could for see me not feeling the same, I'd end it before i caused any of them pain.
I wonder if we each have a soul mate or if we are meant to be with one select person. But if there was a soul mate for us out there, then why wouldn't we be with them from the beginning? I mean there's got to be a purpose to all the madness, but what is it? Mating and having offspring is the physical side to it. But from the emotional aspect, why would it be such a personal experience to be close with someone if it were only to save the human race from extinction?
We fall in love. There's a reason why. There has to be a bigger purpose to love. But how do we tell lust from love, love from true love, and how do we know when it's meant to be? I guess this all leads back to one question; do we all have a purpose or are we an experiment with someone watching us from above? Are we dancing for someone else? Perhaps, we all do have a purpose, a person to love, and someone to love us back. But if that is the case then why do some never find their love or purpose?
I wonder if we each have a soul mate or if we are meant to be with one select person. But if there was a soul mate for us out there, then why wouldn't we be with them from the beginning? I mean there's got to be a purpose to all the madness, but what is it? Mating and having offspring is the physical side to it. But from the emotional aspect, why would it be such a personal experience to be close with someone if it were only to save the human race from extinction?
We fall in love. There's a reason why. There has to be a bigger purpose to love. But how do we tell lust from love, love from true love, and how do we know when it's meant to be? I guess this all leads back to one question; do we all have a purpose or are we an experiment with someone watching us from above? Are we dancing for someone else? Perhaps, we all do have a purpose, a person to love, and someone to love us back. But if that is the case then why do some never find their love or purpose?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
An Empty Road
I always feel the most inspired when looking at something completely alone. Whether its a road at night with no cars speeding on by, the ocean going for miles and miles with no boats, or an empty apartment waiting for someone to start a life in it.
I think what i find so inspiring is the potential. When your starting from scratch you have a chance to make something amazing.
Or maybe i find it inspiring because its calming. I have so many thoughts rushing through my head all day long. I have a million ideas that i forget instantly because I'm distracted by the next. When i can concentrate on one inspiring moment, i can take hold of it and make something amazing out of it.
I think that's how i feel about life. It's this road filled with cars all day long, but all i wish for is that moment at night when the road is clear of tires and free to be amazing, bare, vulnerable, and simple.
I think what i find so inspiring is the potential. When your starting from scratch you have a chance to make something amazing.
Or maybe i find it inspiring because its calming. I have so many thoughts rushing through my head all day long. I have a million ideas that i forget instantly because I'm distracted by the next. When i can concentrate on one inspiring moment, i can take hold of it and make something amazing out of it.
I think that's how i feel about life. It's this road filled with cars all day long, but all i wish for is that moment at night when the road is clear of tires and free to be amazing, bare, vulnerable, and simple.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Let the search begin
Learning your way around a new place is never easy. You've got to look at it as an adventure rather than a hassle, otherwise you'll stress yourself out to the point of breaking.
Today, while looking for an apartment with my mom, we managed to meet the most rude and kind people. Today truely was a day for extremes: We didnt get kind of lost, we ended up on the wrong side of Vancouver lost. We met the most rude real estate agents in the history of real estate agents, but we met the nicest and most helpful people when were confused about where we were going. The only reason we made it to the apartment we were going to look at was this amazing lady, whose name i wish i could remember, who offered to drive us after we asked for directions.
We didn't end up finding any apartments today, but we defiantly narrowed our search down.
Today, while looking for an apartment with my mom, we managed to meet the most rude and kind people. Today truely was a day for extremes: We didnt get kind of lost, we ended up on the wrong side of Vancouver lost. We met the most rude real estate agents in the history of real estate agents, but we met the nicest and most helpful people when were confused about where we were going. The only reason we made it to the apartment we were going to look at was this amazing lady, whose name i wish i could remember, who offered to drive us after we asked for directions.
We didn't end up finding any apartments today, but we defiantly narrowed our search down.
The first night back in Vancouver
Today it hit me; life is a speeding bus. You can either get on or miss it and wait in the rain until the next one comes along. While waiting you realize how stupid it was to miss the dry bus you could have been on. But because you spent more time contemplating where you were going, you forgot that getting there was an even bigger part of the equation.
Today you truly can do anything you set your mind on. The challenge is the road to you take to get there. If you focus on the ultimate goal, you miss the life your living up to that point. That's what I've been doing. I've been so focused on where I'm going that I've completely forgot where i am. So my goal is this: live in the moment. I'm in Vancouver for the next two weeks and i plan on making each day great.
Today you truly can do anything you set your mind on. The challenge is the road to you take to get there. If you focus on the ultimate goal, you miss the life your living up to that point. That's what I've been doing. I've been so focused on where I'm going that I've completely forgot where i am. So my goal is this: live in the moment. I'm in Vancouver for the next two weeks and i plan on making each day great.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Introduction to my blog.
Someone once told me that life was something you shouldn't question. You should just accept all the cards your dealt and make the best of it.
I have yet to listen to this advice. Every time an event happens in my life all i seem to do is question why. So I've decided to start this blog in the hopes that I'll start to see things differently. I've tried to find a theory that proves all...but sadly i have yet to do this as well. Keep reading to see what theory's i come up with. One day I'll find one that i can prove.
I have yet to listen to this advice. Every time an event happens in my life all i seem to do is question why. So I've decided to start this blog in the hopes that I'll start to see things differently. I've tried to find a theory that proves all...but sadly i have yet to do this as well. Keep reading to see what theory's i come up with. One day I'll find one that i can prove.
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