Sunday, March 18, 2012

The List.

Well when I first started writing this blog I made a lost of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. Some of the items were hard, some easy. I only got 47 done, but now it's time to make another list...hopefully I will get more done on the next one.

The mission: to complete all 101 things in 1001 days.
Start date: 6/21/09
End date: 3/18/12

Line = Done!!!
Bold = Working on it currently.

1. Exercise will become a common ritual. I will either complete a good hour of yoga, go for a nice long run to clear my head, or will at least hit the gym for a solid workout. I will become more active in my life.
2. I will not lie to myself.
3. Post a blog as much as possible to keep you all posted on my progress if nothing else.
4. Take as many pictures as possible. I've been avoiding digital photography for some reason I can't explain. But I’m done hiding behind film.
5. Stop feeling guilty about people caring about me. They are allowed to.
6. I will get rid of my fear of phone talking. I really need to get over being so awkward on the phone.
7. Read other blogs as much as possible. I want to know what other people's views are on the world and everything else.
8. Put $5 away for every goal that I complete.
9. Read the newspaper. You would think that someone who wants to possibly be in journalism would read the newspaper on a regular basis. But no, I have for some reason failed at doing this. So I will start to read the newspaper on a daily basis.
10. Get lost have to keep life interesting.
11. Do something for someone else as much as possible. I'm pretty well off compared to most and doing something for someone can be so simple. The smallest things can mean the world to some people.
12. Buy and read as many books as I can.
13. Fall in love with something or someone.
14. Carry a book of quotes and write one on a piece of paper and place it on every bulletin board I see.
15. Take care of my nails, which means no more biting them and when the nail polish gets chipped I’ll actually bother to take it off and re-paint them.
16. I will finally switch back clothes with's time lol.
17. Get a job as a photographer.
18. Actually use my flickr account. I made it and haven’t been on it since.
19. Finnish Morgan’s list before I move.
20. Give half of my clothes to Good Will before I move. I need to lighten my load.
21. Finally buy the 50D.
22. Get an internship at either a photo studio or a newspaper/magazine. I need to start focusing and get going if I want to end up somewhere good in the photography industry.
23. Organize my's a mess.
24. Write a letter to my Nana and Papa.
25. Go on a road trip which isn’t planned for a week.
26. Go on a planned road trip…it must include driving through Kentucky.
27. Quit Starbucks.
28. Dance in the moonlight to Dancing in the Moonlight.
29. Dance in the rain.
30. Put a photo show together.
31. Watch the sunrise with someone who will appreciate it as much as I will.
32. Have a day of silence. No matter what I will not speak a word for those 24 hours.
33. Get a professional massage.
34. Drink champagne with a swirly straw.
35. Get a tattoo.
36. Go a week without using my phone....that will be difficult.
37. Send a message in a bottle.
38. Find the perfect tree. By which I mean, find the tree that puts all other tree’s to shame. There’s a tree out there that would amaze anyone whose looking for it. I will find that perfect tree.
39. Plant a tree in honor of someone great.
40. Drink nothing but water for a week.
41. Do not use the microwave for a week.
42. Befriend someone I cant stand.
43. Discover 10 things I love about myself.
44. Stay up for 24 hours talking to someone I just met.
45. Inspire someone.
46. Go a week without texting
47. Discover a new music artist once a week.
48. Write my initials on all my $5 bills.
49. Walk into an elevator and don’t turn around, just face the other people.
50. Become pen pals with someone awesome.
51. Read every Nicholas Sparks book.
52. Read every Jane Austen books, I’ve only read 2.
53. .Borrow a book from the public library more and more often.
54. Watch all the Godfather movies. For years now I’ve been saying that I would watch them. (2 out of 3 complete)
55. Watch Across the Universe. I avoided it for a while because half my friends told me that watching it would kill my love for the Beatles and the other half said it was amazing. I think I need to decide for myself.
56. Watch In To The Wild.
57. Stop Smoking.
58. Watch 25 never-seen-by-me movies from top 250 imdb movie list
59. Watch every episode of It's Always Sunny in Phili. (halfway done)
60. Take a painting class...or drawing. I would love to take a painting class but I’m horrible at drawing, so maybe I should start with drawing and work my way up.
61. Learn the harmonica. I've started but I can only play the learn I mean i want to be able to rock out on the thing, not just get by.
62. Get back on track concerning school.
63. Enroll at Brooks Institute of Photography.
64. Learn more about my heritage. My mom went on a search to find her birth mom and found a huge family in the process. Turns out she’s Chippewa and therefore so am I. I'm going to focus on learning what that means. I want to understand more about what my family members believe.
65. Try and visit as many art galleries and museums as possible. Seeing what other people have done is amazing.
66. Expand my vocabulary and give 100,000 grains of rice with
67. Take a cooking class. I can get away with baking and anything that's microwavable, so i think its time i change that.
68. Make 25 of my own recipes.
69. Be in 2 places at once. **I was at work and school**
70. Post 5 videos created by me on this blog.
71. Make a soundtrack to my life.
72. Try Hot Yoga.
73. Train my dog, Holly.
74. Put change in other peoples parking meters when their meter is expired but no one is in sight.
75. Learn how to play poker properly.
76. Watch An Inconvenient Truth
77. Try a new restaurant at least once every 2 weeks.
78. Send a postcard to Post Secret.
79. Join Postcrossing and send 50 post cards.
80. Go to an Opera. Phantom Of The Opera does NOT count.
81. Ride a Mechanical Bull.
82. Have someone read my palm.
83. Sell something on Etsy.
84. Sell a picture I’ve taken.
85. Buy a fisheye lens.
86. Learn how to finally blow smoke rings.
87. Complete a self portrait.
88. Attend 5 services, each one for different religions. 1/5
89. Read a newspaper from the day I was born.
90. Keep my room clean for a month.
91. Compile a personal top 25 movie list.
92. Recount 3 dreams through an art project.
93. Photograph a scar and write about it.
94. Watch Samson and Delilah.
95. Learn to write my name in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
96. Sleep under the stars one night, under the open sky.
97. Visit Seattle.
98. Learn to drive a stick shift.
99. See 5 local bands I’ve never heard of.
100. Be able to identify at least 5 constellations.
101. Finnish this list.

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