Monday, June 11, 2012

Confusion Is My Middle Name These Days.

Everything is getting more and more confusing. My best friend is barely talking to me, it's as if I'm walking on egg shells and one wrong word will silence him forever. My other friend who I'm also super close to is confused about wether or not he's gay.....and on top of that a super close family member of his just died. So he called me to talk about the gay thing and I thought I was super supportive, then he barely talked to me after that and now I'm not sure if he needs me or if I'm the last person he wants to see right now. All I know is that someone dying is one of the most painful things someone can go through and if he needs me I'm there, but how am I supposed to know what he wants? I sent him a message, but he might not even answer it. Then there's my friend who just got married. I'm proud of him and all he's accomplished and this should be a great turning point for him, but he's already invited himself over to my new place which means he's probably looking to smoke which means he's probably not taking advantage of this turning point thing which isn't good. And with all of this going on I just feel like I've really screwed up somewhere. It seems like all of my friendships are complicated. Is it because when you've been friends with someone for a long time, things are bound to get complicated? Or did I really just screw up almost every important friendship I have?

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