Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yo Ho Yo Ho No More Boos For You

Okay Binge drinking; not okay. I love my friends dearly. But some, maybe one or two in particular, have become binge drinkers. Now i have nothing against a good night, here and there. But when your drinking for the wrong reasons continuously, it's not healthy. And on top of that it just makes me worry. I've seen what an alcoholic's like and I've seen what happens when you avoid your problems. No good comes of either. And for those who are drinking because it makes you fit in or feel older, is it really worth waking up and not knowing where you are or worse? I hope not. This is a notice to everyone out there; especially college students who don't have their drinking under control. Get it under control before it's too late. I'm worried about my friends. How do i help them?

1 comment:

  1. Tell them how uncool they look when drunk. Good luck.
